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Building Connected Communities helps us reduce the likelihood of sexual abuse, assault, and harassment in our communities. Any space where people come together is a community, whether in neighborhoods, workplaces, campuses, organizations, or even online spaces. We are all a part of a community, often many, even when we may feel disconnected or apart from them. 

Community is powerful. Community creates a sense of belonging and reminds us of how our beliefs, choices, and actions impact one another. At the center of Building Connected Communities is ensuring our communities are safe, inclusive, and equitable. Racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ageism, ableism, and other forms of oppression contribute to higher rates of sexual harassment, assault, and abuse. We must address all abuses of power to prevent sexual violence -- in our relationships, communities, and society.  

2024 Facts and Statistics show:

  • Most women and men across all sexual identities who experienced contact sexual violence reported that the person who harmed them was someone they knew (Chen, et al., 2023).

  • Over 53% of women and over 29% of men reported experiencing contact sexual violence  (Chen, et al., 2023).

  • 1 in 5 male victims reported only male perpetrators, 1 in 2 had only female perpetrators, and about 1 in 6 had both male and female perpetrators  (Chen, et al., 2023).

  • More than 1 and 4 non-Hispanic Black women (29%) in the United States were raped in their lifetime (Basile et al., 2022).

  • 1 in 3 Hispanic women (34.8%) reported unwanted sexual contact in their lifetime (Basile et al., 2022).

  • More than 4 in 5 American Indian and Alaska Native women (84.3%) have experienced violence in their lifetime (Rosay, 2016).

  • 32.9% of adults with intellectual disabilities have experienced sexual violence (Tomsa et al., 2021).

  • 47% of all transgender people have been sexually assaulted at some point in their lives (James et al., 2016).

Referenced by SAAM



Domestic Violence Statistics 2024

Domestic violence statistics

Domestic Violence Hotline Information

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